Went and fish for an hour or so at Likas Bay, Kota Kinabalu. Didn't catch anything worth taking home.
I am not sure what fish is the one below, occasionally I will land one or two of them a day (C&R) as usual. I asked som eof the local here and they only say the fish name is Ikan Batu!??

Hmmm other fish that I caught and released is called a Bigeye Snapper (Lutjanus Lutjanus)

Tiny fish but looks quiet beautiful, yellow tail with yellow stripe. I never seems to catch them any bigger than the size of my hand from the shore. Maybe they move to deeper water once they grow bigger or either that the local anglers here just fished them faster than they can grow, either that or my fishing kung fu not strong enough :)
fishing + chilli = chrispee duck
what a combi! haha!
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