Today was a good day, the weather is a bit cloudy so quite nice to fish, the tide is okaish only about 0.9 metres out of the possible highest tide of 2.0 metres for Kota Kinabalu.
My older brother Nico and me reached the bay about 3.30pm. As you can see my dad is wearing a very nice shirt and pants, the moment he heard that my brother and me went fishing, he straight away called me and say he will be joining us after church, he arrived shortly with my sissy, I think it was about 4pm.
Shortly after that, he caught the Threadfin Trevally and although I didnt get a single fish worth keeping I had fun.

Picture on the right is the picture of my lovely little sissy, Jessica. She sat there and watched us fish and helped us to take the live prawn bait.
Hmmm looks like this blog is turning more like a fishing blog.
My chilli project is moving pretty slow, the Chocolate Habenero seed that I planted just germinated today. So I am looking forward to the chilli growing.
Meh.. maybe when I have something good to talk about my chilli project I add something till then I guess this blog will be somewhat a fishing blog :D
Hmmmm I just realised today is September 11, I remembered when that dispicable act of cowardice happened, I was shocked and at the same time angry. While I am here able to spend time with my family there are many that cant anymore because of a coward action by a group of stupid dumb ass misguided religious fanatics. My thoughts and prayers today goes to those that lost thier loved ones during 911 incident.
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