Today is a mixture of good and bad
The Bad Newsthe bad part of today is I notice one of my chilli tree is shedding leaves, it does not look like a natural thingy. It could be dying or sick or diseased.

Anyway on the right is the picture of the chilli tree.
All the other 3 trees are okay except for this one. It can't be due to lack of nutrient because I put some fertilizer last week.
Too much water? maybe...
Too little sun? maybe too... :(
Could it be the worm that i put there? can't be... I think..
Oh yeah talking about that earthworms, I notice that they are already started doing their work. See the soil that is slightly darker in color in the picture beow. That is their mojo that they excrete by recycling all the organic waste in the soil.
The Good News
The good news for today is, I went fishing and caught meself a decent size fishy :D, yay for me...

The local name for the fish here is Ikan Cermin, or translated directly to English is Mirror Fish. As you can see the skin of the fish is pretty shiny, which is why I supposed the local here gave them that name.
Anyway another picture of the fishy, placed on a cutting board with a 12 inches ruler next to it. I think the english name for that fishy is threadfin trevally, which got the name due to its thread like fin, which normally disappear once the fish is like mature.
I think this one must have been like a Juvenile fishy.